Friday, July 11, 2008


Today, I am everything I wasn't. I am breathing and being while doing completely nothing.

I spend my days raising a baby into a girl who can trust herself and her own face in the mirror. Some days, it's nothing more than what it is. Peek-a-boo and eheheh and how big? Other days, it's everything.

Children need interesting mothers, and I'm trying.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

counting each one.

Two can be one, and it is entirely possible for one to be two.

In that regard, where to we begin to count but at zero.

There isn't a lot that I know a lot about. There are few things that catch me so thoroughly as to rapture and pin.

The things that I do know about ... well, let's say I'm an expert.

How do I begin to count things when they are entwined with myself and with other things.

Entities and beings.