Monday, September 15, 2008

The mixtape too.

I went ahead and lost the reason I fell over you.

Friday, August 8, 2008


I listen to you laugh through the television static, and the resemblance to snow in July gives me a fitful sleep. Though I never let you go, we grew dim together with sticky webs not so easily swept. It's easy to say I miss you or perhaps that we missed each other before the day was over.

At night, by a tree, grown so tall before we were there, the air held more than water or tension. It was an afterthought to breathe, to know that I would never see you again. I haven't seen that tree since. I haven't been back.

If friendship was a spent woman spread eagle on her back, we'd call her our own. Sweet with sweat and the long night behind her, nothing sexual left to open her or close her down. Laying under that tree with a root in her back, and she was always unwilling to call it a night.

What do we do now? Who asks the questions? What's left between the two of us but a night that neither of us dares remember and tree that was there before us?

Thursday, August 7, 2008

march 25th

such a lovely gift from our dear friend...

Friday, July 11, 2008


Today, I am everything I wasn't. I am breathing and being while doing completely nothing.

I spend my days raising a baby into a girl who can trust herself and her own face in the mirror. Some days, it's nothing more than what it is. Peek-a-boo and eheheh and how big? Other days, it's everything.

Children need interesting mothers, and I'm trying.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

counting each one.

Two can be one, and it is entirely possible for one to be two.

In that regard, where to we begin to count but at zero.

There isn't a lot that I know a lot about. There are few things that catch me so thoroughly as to rapture and pin.

The things that I do know about ... well, let's say I'm an expert.

How do I begin to count things when they are entwined with myself and with other things.

Entities and beings.